The journey continues. . . .
Helen came in recently to finalise the plans for her and David’s kitchen with our sales rep Leigh – he has been working alongside them to choose colours, materials and hardware as well as design the kitchen layout.
Prior to Helens visit, our designer Carl drew up the plans on our specialist design programmes. When she came in Carl took her through a 3D look at her kitchen.
Once jobs come close to production, the clients name gets added to the board so we can track the progress of their joinery through all the process – now things really start to get exciting! Helen was pretty stoked to see her name on the board.
Afterward Helen and Kate went to check out to the progress of Helens and Davids new build and the space where the kitchen will be!
Keep and eye out for our next instalment- the joinery being made!
The team doing a bridge climb in Sydney.